I read recently an article about a kid's social network, "kidsocial", where kids the ages of 6 to 13 could connect to their real world friends to play games, listen to the latest music, share photos and more. Strangers (adults) could not see the kid's pages unless authorised by the kid's parents.
This is a HUGE MARKET (& captive - think parents) where Facebook is not playing in, at the moment at least. In Singapore alone, that's about 260,000 children between the ages of 7 years to 12 years we are talking about.
Think about the community, the associated ancillary products:
- ebooks,
- music,
- videos on mobile,
- video on demand,
- TV programs,
- education enrichment services,
- kid's customized tablets, e-readers etc,
Just like how kids nowdays pull their parents to cater to their incessant demands to buy stuff - mainly influenced by the TV, and surfing through YouTube on the iPad, imagine what these kids social networks could build up as business lines. Holy mackeral!
But social networks like Kids Social is not new. In Singapore, there is a company known as LittleLives who is piloting student communities in Singapore (Primary School students, i.e. 7 to 12 years old) and in selected counties in the United States as well! More on LittleLives here.
From my previous posts, I wrote about and shared on:
- EdTech being one of the hot trends to watch for in 2012
- EdTech market opportunities in education enrichment
- EdTech Market opportunities slideshare
So, what are your thoughts on the ancillary products and revenue streams from kids' social networks?
Talk soon,
Nelson Wee
Twitter: @nelsonwee
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