Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Elijah's December Reading List

My son, Elijah is an avid reader. He reads whenever he can - during meals, before sleep, and well even in the toilet doing his dump ... :)

In my spare moments, I enjoy reading to him. If you see his reading list (see below), you may understand why.

There is simple magic played out when I start reading with him his books - some borrowed from the public library, some he received as presents.

I like especially the book on "How's it made - a chocolate bar" by Sarah Ridley. From the picking of the cocoa beans from the cacao trees in Ghana, I am educated through the entire process in chocolate production - the quality selection of the beans, the fermentation process, the transportation to the factories, the production and the packaging. Delectable reading, really ... :-)

And by the way, did you know that the Aztec civilization used cocoa beans the way we use money today?

1 comment:

James Yong said...

You should buy or borrow the book "If the World were a Village" written by David Smith & illustrated by Shelagh Armstrong, for Elijah. Great book to start the young thinking about global inequalities and what should be done.